CryoFX Co2 Info

Liquid Co2 Valve – Cryogenic Valves Explained [CryoFX]

Liquid Co2 Valve

Liquid Co2 Valve – Cryogenic Valves Explained [Cryo FX]

What’s up guys, welcome to Cryo FX YouTube channel. Today’s video is on liquid Co2 valves. Why would you want to know about a liquid Co2 valve? Well, probably because you’re dealing with Co2 special effects. Furthermore, these valves are called cryogenic valves or liquid nitrogen valves. So, I want to just make sure that you understand a couple of the differences between the valves.

We’re going to do a general overview of these valves and then on other videos, and I have a link in the description, we’re going to talk about the individual valves.

What are Co2 valves?

As a Co2 valve manufacturer and a liquid nitrogen valve manufacturer, we know valves, and we want to make sure that you know the valves just like we know them. So that you can be in the know about what valves you need during what type of special effects and things like that. If you have a valve that’s leaking, that’ll be another video, Co2 valve leaking is what you may search to try to find something like that. We’re going to do a whole another video just on that.

Co2 valve solenoid, we got that for you too. This is the Co2 valve solenoid, yes, we’re jumping right in. So, what this is is this is actually the coil of the valve, the valve itself as you see here, we have a couple of different ones. So, you have two pieces and the coil goes on top of the solenoid valve itself and that makes a complete set. Therefore, if you want to know what a liquid Co2 valve is, you’re looking at a bunch of them right here.

Difference Between liquid and Gaseous Co2

This is actually one of our premier products. You have a Co2 liquid, Co2 valve, you have the bracket here, this valve specifically deals with liquid Co2. Why does that make a difference? Liquid Co2 runs a lot colder than gaseous Co2. They’re both about the same pressures. You have anywhere between 800 to 900 PSI. Don’t want to bore you with the details here, but if you don’t get the right valve to handle the right temperatures, you’re going to have a problem. The seats and seals inside the valve are going to cause you a problem.

About the Seats and Seals

You ask what are the seats and seals, without getting too close here, you have little o-rings inside, you have different seals inside the valves. You have a seal right here that goes on the outside as well as another seal on the inside again. We’re not going to do a close-up on this video, but I just want to cover the basics here.

Those seats and seals, if they’re not right, you have PTFE, you have Teflon, there’s a number of different variants and types. And if you get the wrong type, you’re going to have a problem. This is because it will get cold. The valve’s going to get super cold. These liquid Co2 valves can get up to or down to, I should say, negative 40 degrees.

That’s very cold so, wrong seats and seals, and you’re going to have a Co2 valve leak, and it’s going to leak, and it’s going to be problematic. You don’t want that. Now, why is there a bunch of different valves? Without getting too crazy into this, this is a liquid Co2 valve. This is a liquid Co2 valve or also in the category of cryogenic valves, this particular valve is a liquid nitrogen valve, now the base of this valve and the structure of it can handle the pressures.

But why you have a longer neck is because the temperature of liquid nitrogen gets a lot colder than liquid Co2. And therefore you need to separate the coil where the electromagnet activates the piston inside. And you need to make sure that’s separate from this area, that’s going to get really cold, another video.

Valve Types

This is also a cryogenic valve. These are Co2 liquid, Co2 valves. This is a liquid nitrogen valve. You kind of get the picture here, liquid Co2, liquid nitrogen cryogenic, the umbrella. That is a horrible, horrible description there, but you get what I’m talking about. This is another type of valve. Internally we call this the beer can valve, why? Because it looks like a beer can, and we’ve actually hit this inside beer cans before for some of our clients. So, that is an entirely different conversation.

Liquid Co2 Valves

Liquid Co2 valves that appear in Co2 jets. So if you’re searching for a Co2 jet valve or a Co2 jet solenoid valve, you’re probably going to see something like this, or you’re going to see something like this. These are the two generic valves that are in Co2 jets. The general Co2 jets that you see anywhere; in nightclubs or on our website or on competitors’ websites. There they are.

Some of them, if you’re getting ripped off, I’ll say these are going to look like this, a lot smaller. Smaller valve, smaller output, smaller orifice, smaller all the lines and the runs inside the valve bar. Bringing it down to layman’s terms, this is also a liquid Co2 valve. This is what we call our round Co2 valve. We have this for sale on our website.

Other Valves

This is the same for all these other valves as well. Now, what makes this valve different? This valve specifically has a three millimeter orifice, and you ask what is an orifice? An orifice is the smallest part of the inside of the valve. So, whenever you have a Co2 system or a liquid Co2 system or any gaseous or liquid system, the smallest part of that system is going to be the most restrictive, yes, that makes sense. This three millimeter, these are about 12 millimeters.

And then you have something like this, which is a 20 millimeter. Now you can see here, this is much bigger. This is also a liquid Co2 valve. What do these mean? This is going to put out a lot more than this.

Factors to Consider When Buying Valves

So, you’re going to need a couple of these to equal this. I’m not good at math while I’m live on video, so don’t ask me to quote that. But if I’d have to say 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, you get what I’m saying there?  So, with this, you’re going to get a lot bigger output compared to some of these other ones. When you’re ordering valves, there’s one most important thing that you need to take into consideration.

And I slightly mentioned it but I want to elaborate and what is that? Seats and seals and valve type, this is extremely important. What working temperature is the valve? What pressures can the valve hold? and of course, the seats and seals that are inside.  We’ll make a link below and have a reference guide in there that shows the different seats and seals and the temperatures and pressures that they can work at.

This is important because when you’re dealing with cryogenics and cryogenic valves, liquid Co2 valves, liquid nitrogen valves, regardless of what. You’re dealing with super cold temperatures, supercritical temperatures in some respects and more importantly, different types of material can handle different temperatures. Now you may have a difference and or specific need for these types of liquid Co2 valves. I can’t tell you what you need is, all I can do is tell you what they are and how they work.

Conclusion – Liquid Co2 Valve

How they work is on another video, what they are we, just covered that on this video. So if you want any more information or if you have questions, leave a comment below. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, we have a lot more videos coming up and of course hit that like button if you like the presentation. If not, well, there’s no middle finger on there, but there is a dislike button, I wouldn’t recommend hitting that though because then our video is not going to be shown to a lot of people.

Anyway, thanks for watching guys, this covered the generic liquid Co2 valve, whether it’s a Co2 jet, solenoid valve a Co2 jet valve. In short, or liquid Co2 valves, liquid nitrogen valves. We’re all over the place here. You got a valve, Co2 liquid nitrogen. Mix those up. Valve was the main purpose of this video. Thanks for watching, I’m Chris with CryoFX.