CryoFX® was contacted by the team at the SMP engineering group on a project that is held under a nondisclosure agreement (NDA).
CryoFX® team members provided SMP with a full consultation and design service for this project. Regarded as a specialist in the field that SMP was exploring, CryoFX® was the engineering group’s first choice to work with side-by-side on the project.
Through its concept- design - build services CryoFX® offered SMP continuous investigation and experimentation to create efficient progress through design. This included but was not limited to prototype development, conception design, and systematic development.
Providing innovation, excellence, and expertise in electrical consulting, SMP Engineering (SMP) is a dynamic, single-discipline engineering firm. Throughout the past 45 years, they have built communities throughout Western Canada and the Canadian Territories.
In the building sector, SMP is the go-to firm for Electrical Engineering services. The firm specializes in using Multidsicplinary research to find solutions across industries.
1815 Flower St.
Glendale, CA 91201
For more info on CryoFX® projects, please see