
Co2 Weight to Volume Conversion

Weight of Liquid or Gas Volume of Liquid at 300 psig Volume of Gas at 70° (21°C) and 1 atm
lb kg L gal cf m3
1.000 0.454 0.447 0.118 8.743 0.248
2.205 1.000 0.9852 0.261 19.278 0.5458
2.238 1.015 1.001 0.264 19.566 0.554
8.470 3.842 3.789 1.001 74.050 2.097
11.440 5.189 5.118 1.352 100.016 2.832
4.039 1.832 1.807 0.447 35.31 1.000
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