
Custom Co2 Jets | Custom Co2 Cannons by CryoFX


At our company, we take pride in providing the highest quality special effects equipment for events of all kinds. One of our most popular products is the Custom Co2 Jet, which has become a staple in the entertainment industry. If you are a DJ, production company owner, or special effects company owner looking for information on this product, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using Custom Co2 Jets, how they work, and answer other questions you may have.


Benefits of Custom Co2 Jets Custom Co2 Jets have a wide range of benefits that make them a must-have for any event. One of the biggest advantages is their ability to create a dramatic and exciting effect that will leave your audience in awe. The plumes of cold smoke they produce are visually stunning and can add an extra element of excitement to any performance.


Another significant benefit of Custom Co2 Jets is their versatility. They can be used in a variety of different settings, including indoor and outdoor events. Whether you are hosting a concert, a festival, or a private party, Custom Co2 Jets can be customized to fit your specific needs.


In addition to their visual appeal and versatility, Custom Co2 Jets are also easy to use and operate. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure that the equipment is set up correctly and running smoothly. This allows you to focus on your performance or event, without worrying about technical difficulties.


How Custom Co2 Jets Work Custom Co2 Jets work by combining liquid carbon dioxide with high-pressure air to create a thick plume of cold smoke. The liquid CO2 is stored in a tank and fed into the nozzle of the jet, where it is mixed with compressed air. When the CO2 is released, it rapidly expands, creating a dramatic plume of cold smoke.

The plume of smoke created by the Custom Co2 Jet is safe and non-toxic, making it an ideal special effect for indoor and outdoor events. Additionally, the plume dissipates quickly, leaving no residue or odors.

Other Questions You May Have Here are some other common questions people have about Custom Co2 Jets, along with their answers:


Q: How long does the plume of smoke last? A: The length of time the plume of smoke lasts depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the tank, the pressure of the air, and the temperature and humidity of the environment. Our team of experts will work with you to determine the best settings for your event.


Q: Are Custom Co2 Jets safe? A: Yes, Custom Co2 Jets are safe when used correctly. Our team of experts will ensure that the equipment is set up and operated safely.


Q: Can Custom Co2 Jets be customized? A: Yes, Custom Co2 Jets can be customized to fit your specific needs. We offer a range of different nozzle sizes and can adjust the pressure and flow of the CO2 to create the perfect effect for your event.


n conclusion, Custom Co2 Jets are an incredibly versatile and visually stunning special effect that can add an extra element of excitement to any event. Whether you are a DJ, production company owner, or special effects company owner, our team of experts can work with you to ensure that your event is a success. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about our products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Custom Co2 Jets | Custom Co2 Cannons by CryoFX