
Rent Cold Sparklers Fountains For Weddings and Concert Events

Cold Sparklers Fountains for Sale • Sparkular Weddings • Sparkular Concerts

Sparkular Sale from CryoFX • Cold Sparkler Machines

Sparkular Price..for Rent or Purchase Call CryoFX.

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CryoFX LLC •3859 S Valley View Blvd, Suite 2, Las Vegas, NV 89103 • 1.855.527.9639

24/7 Rental Inquiry Submission: https://cryofx.com/rentals

Updated 2/24/2024

Rent Cold Sparkler Non Flammable Special Effects For Weddings and Concert Events and Parties.


They may require permits to operate by a licensed pyrotechnic operator, however this will depend on the jurisdiction you are using them in, so do check with the local "Authority Having Jurisdiction" (IE AHJ) of the area you want to use them in.

Rent this neat effect for your wedding or event. Safe indoors and out. These spark units are ideal for all size parties


• Indoor / Outdoor usage
• Very low smoke, dissipates fast
• No foul odor
• Up to 10 minutes of shoot time per granules
• Fountain can shoot 90 second intervals
• Height adjustable from 1 - 5 meters
• Adjust the density of fountain
• Easy set up multiple locations
• Sparkular effect from granules
• Buy refills on line store ships non-hazmat to your door
• Run up to 54 units in series VIA DMX cables


Cold Spark Machines are perfect for Weddings. Frequently called "Wedding Sparks" or "Wedding Cold Pyro", these cold spark fountains are sure to leave an everlasting impression on the guests, while making quote the picture perfect moment for the bride and groom.

Sparkular Machine by Showven


When it comes to wedding and concert events, organizers are always looking for ways to add that extra spark to the atmosphere. One such way is through the use of Cold Sparklers Fountains. Cold Sparklers Fountains are a popular choice for event planners, as they offer an exciting and visually stunning effect that can take any event to the next level.


Cold Sparklers Fountains are also known as Wedding Sparklers, Concert Special Effects, Indoor Fireworks, and Stage Pyrotechnics. They are a type of special effect that produces a shower of sparks that shoot up into the air, creating a mesmerizing display of light and sound. Unlike traditional pyrotechnics, Cold Sparklers Fountains are completely safe and do not produce any flames or smoke. This makes them perfect for indoor events or venues where traditional pyrotechnics are not permitted.


One of the most popular uses of Cold Sparklers Fountains is for event decorations and special event lighting. They can be used to highlight important parts of the venue, such as the entrance, stage, or dance floor. They can also be used to create a specific ambiance or theme for the event. For example, they can be used to create a romantic atmosphere for a wedding reception or a high-energy vibe for a concert.


Another popular use of Cold Sparklers Fountains is for the Sparkler Send-off. The Sparkler Send-off is a popular trend in weddings where guests are given sparklers to hold as the newlyweds make their exit from the reception. Cold Sparklers Fountains add an extra level of excitement to this tradition, creating a stunning display of sparks as the bride and groom make their way through the crowd.


In addition to event decorations and the Sparkler Send-off, Cold Sparklers Fountains are also a popular choice for event entertainment. They can be synchronized to music or used as a standalone effect to create a memorable experience for guests. Pyrotechnic displays are a great way to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression on event-goers.


When it comes to using Cold Sparklers Fountains at events, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to work with a professional pyrotechnics company to ensure that the effect is used safely and responsibly. Pyrotechnic displays require careful planning and execution to ensure that there are no accidents or injuries. It is also important to check with the venue to ensure that Cold Sparklers Fountains are permitted and to obtain any necessary permits or approvals.


Another consideration when using Cold Sparklers Fountains is the size and duration of the effect. Cold Sparklers Fountains can range in size from small handheld devices to large fountains that shoot sparks several feet into the air. The duration of the effect can also vary, from a few seconds to several minutes. It is important to choose the right size and duration of the effect based on the size of the venue and the desired effect.


In conclusion, Cold Sparklers Fountains are a popular choice for weddings and concert events. They offer a visually stunning and exciting effect that can take any event to the next level. Cold Sparklers Fountains are a safe alternative to traditional pyrotechnics and can be used in indoor venues where traditional pyrotechnics are not permitted. They can be used for event decorations, special event lighting, the Sparkler Send-off, and event entertainment. When using Cold Sparklers Fountains, it is important to work with a professional pyrotechnics company to ensure that the effect is used safely and responsibly. By following these guidelines, Cold Sparklers Fountains can add that extra spark to any event and create a memorable experience for all who attend.