
Millionaire Mansion Hidden Co2 System

Millionaire Mansion Hidden Co2 System

CryoFX® Custom Co2 System was created with secrecy in mind. The look was to run all co2 lines throught conduit which matched that of existing electrical so that patrons or the building owner would not notice anything upon initial look. This was completed with amazing results.

CryoFX® was contacted for expertise in direction while meeting specific demands in the parameters given for achieved look.

More info to be added with pictures soon.


October 2012
Date: October 12, 2014
Client: Justin Keener
Project: Millionaire Mansion Hidden Co2 System
Industry: Private, Luxury,
Duration: 2 Weeks
Location: San Diego, CA
Categories: Custom Systems
Commissioned: October 2012
Scope of Work: Concept, Design, Build, Install,